SAS Strategies market assessment
Before designing interventions to develop BDS markets, it is critical to understand existing markets—in order to identify weaknesses and opportunities, the reasons behind the lack of demand for or supply of services, and the extent of market distortions. This understanding can help to identify local mechanisms of service delivery and payment, choose the intervention strategy and instrument, identify local institutions and networks to build upon, and provide a baseline for measuring progress in market development.
BDS market assessments need not be large studies: the scope should fit the objectives of the institution doing it, and in many cases a rapid assessment may suffice. Donors and BDS facilitators doing initial market assessments may choose a broad scope that will allow them to benchmark the stage of development of BDS markets, identify existing or potential BDS providers to work with, and measure progress in expanding the demand and supply of services and the range of products available. For individual BDS providers, the market analysis is likely to be very narrow in scope, focusing on the specific service to be supplied, the characteristics of the target market, and existing or potential competitors. For both BDS facilitators and BDS providers, the relevant "BDS market" will need to be defined according to the specific type of service, target clientele, and geographical coverage.